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Background (from wookieepedia)

The Raddus SWCT

source wookieepedia

The MC85 Star Cruiser was a heavy cruiser manufactured by Mon Calamari Shipyards and Corellian Engineering Corporation after the Galactic Civil War. It was used by the New Republic fleet and the Resistance navy.[1] One ship, the Raddus, served as the flagship of the Resistance navy, and was crucial in the Evacuation of D'Qar. The bridge of the Raddus was destroyed, and resulted in the deaths of most of Resistance High Command, including Admiral Gial Ackbar, when it was attacked by First Order TIE fighters. It was subsequently destroyed during the Attack on the Resistance fleet when Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo purposefully entered hyperspace through the Supremacy, splintering the massive vessel in two, with the debris cutting through twenty escorting Resurgent-class Battlecruisers.

Despite its large size, the MC85 was a fast cruiser. Even thirteen years after commission, the Dawn of Tranquility, in service with the Resistance under the name Raddus, was still able to outrun the First Order’s modern battlecruisers and the massive Supremacy. Propelled by eleven sublight ion engines, these massive ships were as fuel hungry as they were fast.

While undergunned for a typical heavy cruiser, featuring only a few dozen turbolasers, ion cannons, and point-defense turrets in total, the MC85 compensated for this with highly durable advanced deflector shields. These experimental shields that cocooned the ship were capable of repelling huge amounts of damage before failing, far more than most other ships.

Affiliation - New Republic, Resistance

Manufacturer - Corellian Engineering Corporation, Mon Cal Shipyards

Model Type - MC85 Mon Cal Cruiser

Class - Battlecruiser

Crew - 5860 + 605 gunners + 1700 passengers

MDC By Location

Main Hull - 550 000

Main Engines - 50 000 ea

Hull per 100ft - 5 000

Turbolasers - 800

Ion Cannons - 650

Tractor Beams - 950

Proton Torpedo Launchers - 2 000

Airlocks - 3 000

Hanger Bay - 25 000

Shields - 200 000 per side (1.2 million total)

AR - 16

Armour - Stops up to and including standard 75mm rounds.


Space - Mach 16

Hyperdrive - 500 ly per hour with a backup system of 75 ly per hour

Range - 3 years


Height - 461.61m

Length - 3438.37m

Width - 706.55m

Weight - 35 million tons loaded

Cargo - 100 000 tons

Power System - hypermatter reactor

Cost - Unknown


Weapon Type - Turbolasers (18, 6 front, 4 right, 4 left, 4 rear)

Primary Purpose - anti-ship

Range - 350 000km

Damage - 5d6x100

Rate Of Fire - 5 per melee

Payload - unlimited

Bonuses - +4 strike

Weapon Type - Ion Cannons (18, 4 front, 6 right, 6 left, 2 rear)

Primary Purpose - anti-ship

Range - 250 000km

Damage - 3d4x100 against shields, use ion damage table if shields are down

Rate Of Fire - 5 per melee

Payload - unlimited

Bonuses - +3 strike

WEAPON: Laser Cannons (12, 6 forward, 2 right, 2 left, 2 rear)





DAMAGE: 6d6x10

RATE OF FIRE: Equal to gunners attacks per melee, could be as many as 8 or more

PAYLOAD: Unlimited

BONUSES: +5 To strike

Weapon Type - Tractor beams (8, 5 front, 1 left, 1 right, 1 rear)

Primary Purpose - anti-ship

Range - 120 000km

Damage - none, captures target and hoolds it in place or pulls it toward itself

Rate Of Fire - 3 per melee

Payload - unlimited

Bonuses - +3 strike

Weapon Type - Proton Torpedo Launchers (6, front)

Primary Purpose - anti-ship

Range - 16 000km

Damage - 5d6x100

Rate Of Fire - 5 per melee

Payload - 12 per launcher with reloads carreid on board

Bonuses - +4 strike


+2 to dodge vs other capital ships

Cannot dodge attacks from starfighters etc

Systems of Note

COMMUNICATIONS: Holonet Transceiver with effectively unlimited range and a subspace transceiver with a range of 150 light years.

LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS: Can support full complement for an effectively unlmited amount of time however consumables will run out after 3 years if not replenished

PASSIVE SENSOR SYSTEMS: Have a radius of 60,000,000km. System includes Dedicated Energy Receptors, Mass Detectors, Electro-photo Receptors, Aural Sensors. Gives a +5% bonus to sensor skill rolls

SCANNING SENSOR SYSTEMS: Have a radius of approximately 80 light years. System includes Dedicated Energy Receptors, Mass Detectors, Full Spectrum Transceivers, Life Form Indicators. Gives a +10% bonus to sensor skill rolls.

SEARCH SENSOR SYSTEMS: Have a range of 150,000,000km and can be directed to any of hte 6 arcs around the ship. System includes Dedicated Energy Receptors, Electro-Photo Receptors, Mass Detectors, Life Form Indicators, Long Range Phased Tachyon Detection Arrays, Full Spectrum Transceivers. Gives a +15% bonus to sensor skill rolls.

FOCUSING SENSOR SYSTEMS: Have a radius of 600,000km. System includes Dedicated Energy Receptors, Electro-Photo Receptors, Mass Detectors, Life Form Indicators, Full Spectrum Transceivers, Aural Sensors, Short range Primary Threat Analysis Grids. Gives a +20% bonus to sensor skill rolls.

NAV COMPUTER: Complete navigational data for the entire known galaxy are stored and updated regularly.

Carried Craft

48 Starfighters

4 Freighters or Shuttles

12-24 small transports

References Used

Star Wars RPG Books

Star Wars Reference Books

Star Wars Movies

