Worldofjaymz Wiki
Worldofjaymz Wiki

Welcome to the Worldofjaymz Wiki

The home of all that is from Jaymz. Opinions, gaming material and lists of favourites. Come enjoy and learn about Jaymz and other things like Star Wars, Robotech and more.

About Me:

Basic info about me.

Contact, Social Media, and more:

Ways to contact me as well as my other social media work on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc.

Palladium Legacy

My way of carrying on the Palladium rule set into the future regardless of what is to come.

My Gaming Material:

The bulk of reason why this Wiki exists, all my rewritten and conversion for use in a variety of games be they RPGs or miniature wargames.

Space Station Liberty:

This is a setting for the Three Galaxies environment created by Palladium Books.

Mecha FanPress:

A homage and fan continuation of the old Mecha Press Magazine by Ianus Publications (also the publishers of the old Protoculture Addicts magazine).


I've attempted two different podcast over the last decade one of which I recently got going again. Below are links to each that include links to my Spotify channel as well as direct links to the original audio files.

Gamez According To Jaymz: My ongoing, recently relaunched podcast about gaming in general.

A podcast about my gaming and other gaming things in general.

Darth Tyrax Presents: My ongoing video series presenting toys, books, movies, and more

Web Resouces

A listing of other web sites that are gaming related.

Web Archives:

An archive of gaming resources that have since disappeared or gone inactive online.

Members Contributions:

A bunch of stuff by other people archived for ease of access.

The Rhodium RPG System

This is my own personally developed system that has evolved many times over the years to what it is today and while it is "derivative" of other RPG Systems, it is different enough in my opinion that it warrants its own pages. (More an archive now than anything else. Effectively abandoned)
